Happiness Central
Open 24/7/365

Welcome to Happiness Central, a page I've created dedicated to the sunshine that is positivity and the precious pursuit of happiness.

happiness haven and the road enroute

Aah. Can you "feel" that bright and sunny future?

No wars, no haters, just pure positivity. Soak it up. Pass it around.

happiness haven vallen in the sun

Celebrating Life and Happiness

This section of BirthdayBullseye.com revolves around the celebration of life; embodied in everyday instances of joy and marked by those wonderful special occasions called birthdays.

It's about recognizing the miracles that surround us every day and using those miracles as reasons to revel in the encompassing beauty of existence. But not every day is a bed of roses. So sometimes it's about keeping your chin up and enduring and trying to do the right thing(s) until the clouds pass. 

helping each other

Great People, Great Vibes

Happiness Central is where I've chosen to create a universe of lighthearted, positive individuals who seek to share and spread joy.

Happiness Haven Members

This isn't only about surviving life's occasional darkness either, but about magnifying the brighter side and working towards keeping our brighter side bright through conversation, insights, and articles.

Here, I aim to provide a source of inspiration, enabling you to appreciate the world with optimism without losing touch with the realities of life.

Happy Valley

At Happiness Central, every moment of every day  is a celebration, every life a reason for joy. It's here for everyday and especially those days when you need a reminder of all there is to be thankful for.

Whether you find refuge in captivating literature, find joy in your morning cup of coffee, or enjoy the music of falling rain, this is a space you can call home.

happiness haven valley image

Make the World a Better Place

Welcome to this radiant corner of the Internet, let's start spreading some positivity together.

And now, to further enrich this community, I proudly introduce the discussion area of the site. If you want to spark a conversation, simply fill out this form and send it to me. I'll and see what I can do to respond and inspire you.

happiness haven audience

Birthday Bullseye and Happiness Central welcomes individuals from different walks of life to share their unique stories of finding joy, of victories big and small, and the ordinary moments that brighten your day.

The goal is to enhance our haven by offering users a platform where they can express their positivity and engage in meaningful exchanges around their individual and collective pathways to happiness.

But don't let the tech-savvy name intimidate you. This is designed to be completely user-friendly, so that everyone, tech wizard or not, can participate seamlessly.

happiness haven image

To start a conversation, just browse the list, pick the thread that catches your interest, and start sharing your thoughts. Or start your own thread by using the form below. Engage with others, actively participate in conversations, and you’ll soon find the space enlivening.

This is all just getting started, so I invite you to engage and make the most of this positive place. Because, just like happiness, conversations are integral to our human lives.

So, join on in and make Happiness Central even more vibrant. Make a post today!

What Are You Happy About? Share It With Us!

There is so much negativity in the world these days, so I want to do the reverse and focus on happiness here.

What makes you happy? Let’s talk about it. It can be just about anything positive, or maybe you’re working your way back towards happiness. How are you doing that?

Simply send me a message and get the ball rolling!

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Once again, welcome to Happiness Central, where every day is a celebration of life and joy, just like your birthday.

talk to me image

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